Ck3 high partition reddit

Possibly even a duchy if you have masses of titles. The domain of your primary heir gets truncated once the second kid is born, and is never truncated further. Build stuff, upgrades new counties, build up vassal upgrades etc. Just rank. iupvotedyourgram. Under Confederate Partition right now, Son 1 will inherit duchies M and P while Son 2 will inherit duchy L (of So I went from Visigoth - Catalan - Portuguese. Apr 17, 2023 · High Partition. -Offer you heir as ward to any Basque ruler (King of Navarra or the Duke of Gascogne for example) and check the 'Convert Culture' box. g. Confederate is by far the worst. (used to work) Works great if you are constantly conquering new lands. The appeal is that you don't have to deal with partition. Rule: NO direct linking to /r/boardgames. Only partition type inheritance on feudal ones. . I only have one kingdom title (Punjab Please Fix Forced Partition. Technomaya. Pretty simply, With male preference for example, When any of your male heirs are age 440K subscribers in the CrusaderKings community. When your playing long games, genghis comes out of Mongolia and starts his conquering. Therefore, having very high prowess knights can make them effectively unkillable in combat if the enemy cannot bring high enough prowess. Help! : r/CrusaderKings. Interestingly, there are two ways to restore the historical succession method! If you illegalize your current succession (say by converting from a culture with high partition to one without), you'll regain the historical succession method. Occitan). R5: I've got 2 pretty easy strategies to get high partition with most of the west-european rulers. The AI is better but it is still pretty dumb. How to survive Confederate Partition TLDR: Just own 1 County, give away the rest to non dynasty members to create vassals. Reply reply roviet-sussia r/CrusaderKings. Communal Government for the same reasons as Public Works . When playing as Duke of Toulouse in 867 (CK3) I've read a lot of people saying that it's easy to get High Partition because of the Occitan culture. It just creates two rounds of succession- the first takes your primary heir vs the rest of your heirs and splits your titles in half, then does a second round and splits the remaining titles among your other heirs. Partition isn't much better but at least it doesn't create titles. •. Marry off members of my court to bring in better bloodline traits and courtiers. ago. So in order to prevent your core counties from being partitioned out, make sure you hand out new conquests to your secondary heirs until they aren't listed as getting your core counties in the succession tab. With Portrugal you get two free tech plus all the tech from the previous culture. If you have several/many sons everything gets divvied up between them - and the girls still get nothing. Your playable heir will be whoever is oldest house member after you die. The reason I want to try and avoid this are My understanding of High partition was that half the titles would go to the primary heir and then the rest divided amongst the other heirs without any titles getting created. All high ranking titles go to your primary heir, unless there aren't enough counties to satisfy the rest of your kids. I came across an interesting medieval perspective relevant to CK3's whole partition/primogeniture controversy in Parzifal, that famous German epic poem from the early 1300s, which basically opens with a rant about how abhorrent the author finds the foreign practice of primogeniture. With high partition, your player heir will receive at least 50% of your titles. High partition is no different from regular partition if you only have two heirs. It still falls for all kind of tricks and feints. OFilos. A way out of confadarete partition right from the start So in the kingdom of navarra in the iberian peninsula their culture is basque, One of its tradition lets you immediatly get high crown control and high partition The key takeaway is that handing out titles to your kids before you die counts towards their inheritance. Because I'm tired of conquering and would like to spend my days as a smaller empire with the added Another solution is to give out small parts of the British isles to make sure the empire is not formed. With confederate partition - if you die and are able to create duchies/kingdoms/empire they *will* be created and handed off to an heir. Check your realm tab and go into succession, on the bottom it tells you the breakdown of how things will be split on your death. Strat 1: -Be sure to have an heir younger than 8. And I hate it that we are stuck with it for most of the game. The first son is going to inherit my current single kingdom, and another one that does not exist. Some cultures already start out with the some of the more advanced partition laws unlocked (e. In conclusion, getting Primogeniture in the first half of the 13th century should be pretty accurate. This should function as a will. From Introducing CK3 - Technology. If nothing else you can't get a game over as can never be inherited outside your dynasty. All current titles you own will be divided equally amongst your children. However, if you only have daughters, do they all inherit equally (like many sons would), or does it all go to the CK3 Tips and Tricks Guide The guide is split into a "Too Long Didn't Read" and a explanation of why certain tricks work. High partition Edit. Primogeniture being late medieval will be such a slog to get to. 1) They have bureaucratic ethos which gives 5% lifestly experience, 15% developement growth and 15% cultural fascination progress. I control territory enough for 2 more kingdoms to be made, actually technically 3. Appreciate the honesty. It is so frustrating. High Partition is my favorite succession doctrine, especially combined with Absolute Crown Authority so I can designate my best kid as heir. Add a Comment. Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Development Studio. High Partition is the best of the bunch but still pretty bad. a prowess 10 knight cannot be wounded by a knight <8 prowess. So if you have 4 kingdom titles, your primary heir will receive two of them guaranteed, it doesn't matter how many more sons you have. Unless you're the Byzantine Empire, in which case you're apparently the only government on Earth that has come up with the idea of keeping power centralized, and will remain the only one with the idea for nearly Is it normal that the mongols are this deep into europe in ck3? i was playing as the byzantines and the mongols tried to invade me where i won the war. The two ways to avoid the realm splitting are upgrading from Confederate partition which will stop realm splitting in all cases, or becoming a king which will make it so the realm only splits if you have multiple kingdoms. So for any religons that have the tenet for allowing courtiers to take the vows this obviously will work. May work for legitimized bastards. If you don't want to lose those titles, lose that extra heir! Note, since you'll keep the king title, your heir's brother will be your heir's vassal. That applies to Duchies, Kingdoms, and Empires. Yes, it doesn't make your son your playable heir. I own the Empires: Kwene(made), Guinea, Mali, Kanen-Borne. Like partition, except that the primary heir takes half the titles in each step first. For example, if you had 4 some and 8 counties, partition would give each son 2 counties while high partition would give your eldest 4 counties, second 2 counties, and the others 1 county Direct makes me think it's only counting a single level down (so, duchies for kingdoms, or kingdoms for empires). As such, each heir receives half of the titles. And honestly, picking up Mallorca is worth it anyway because you can hybridize with Catalan to pick up High Partition before Haesteinn dies. -Pretty sure most tribal rulers did in fact split their realm evenly between their sons (that's just a guess tho), so confederate partition should be accurate for that timeframe. Confederate partition. I'm under the impression that I could disinherit or kill off the other sons to essentially make it a one heir dynasty. 2: Confederate partition will only create title of the highest rank that you hold to divide up your realm. The Player Heir is given the Primary Title, Realm Capital, and any De Jure titles associated with the capital. Whether it gets implemented as written or deviated from should depend on the relationship the executor (let's say the player's steward or priest role Bailiffs for the same reasons as Ledger. Oct 8, 2023 · Partition law is that your Eligible Children and Vassals are granted a +5 opinion of you and your Player Heir is granted a +10 opinion. Changing your type of succession, partition, high partition, primogeniture, ultimogeniture anything other than confederate will make your rulers life way easier, the special succession laws you can apply to every title can help you bypass the need of the cultural innovations needed to unlock the types of succession, laws like feudal elective I have high partition, equal gender law, which if I understand the partition description correctly, my player heir should receive my primary title. Distribute available titles (duke, king and emperor) under your name (including uncreated titles) to every successor. The other half is split equally between the remaining heirs. All partitions: split your titles among your heirs. It's moronically bugged. Murder/disenherit/ force vows all extra heirs. CK3. The titles in question are those the ruler could create upon dead or abdication, but only if their rank is equal to the primary title's rank. There is a staggering level of depth to the game. You need high partition to avoid having all but one county split up among your heirs. Engage in courtly intrigue, dynastic struggles, and holy warfare in mediæval Europe, Africa, the Middle East, India, the steppes and Tibet. The rest of the titles are split between your remaining sons equally. High Partition gives most of the inheritance to the primary heir, not sure what the distribution is exactly. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. 2. . High Partition is one of the stronger succession types until you get to Primogeniture. CK3: Obviously if you have a son & many daughters (with male preference default) he inherits everything and they get nothing. I prefer it to the election ones. He’s Basque, so of course I’ve changed the succession law to high partition due to Visigothic Codes cultural innovation. High Medieval: Heraldry so your realm doesn't explode when you die anymore. • 3 yr. I am new to Reddit and the Paradox Community but I have been playing the games for some time now. Award. Looks okay to me. This means, if you are able to make all of your children "equal" in terms of how many duchies or kingdoms they will inherit (or already own) then they will leave your counties alone. And never hold more than 1 of your highest level title - don't hold 2 kingdom titles as a king for example Make sure you only have 1 son and a daughter or two by choosing the leftmost learning lifestyle-tree that allows you to announce celibacy. How to Win with Male Dominated Confederate Partition. High partition shines if you have three and more: all non-primary heirs have to split the half that would go to the second kid under normal partition. Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 &… That aside I think Czech is the best culture so far. Crypto As long as you actually have Partition instead of Confederate Partition, then this generation will say they're getting the nonexistent kingdoms, but come succession time, they won't. Come discuss your crippling Kickstarter addiction and The Wife's new boyfriend. Some CK3 tips we wish we would've known when we started. This is by no means complete, but I hope it helps nonetheless. didn't know single heir won't prevevent it. However, the thing is that was lost was the ability to have high partition early. Don't need them. IDK about the rest of the world in 900ad, but in west Africa confederate partition is dumb. It does not split kingdom titles or duchies among the heirs. I remember testing it out a couple of times. CK3 Tips and Tricks Guide The guide is split into a "Too Long Didn't Read" and a explanation of why certain tricks work. Elective is very viable and as long as you have hooks you can force the electors to vote the way you want them to. and from what I recall since your Kingdom title is elective, it will go towards whoever has the most votes. Is it normal that the mongols are this deep into europe in ck3? i was playing as the byzantines and the mongols tried to invade me where i won the war. Engage in courtly intrigue, dynastic struggles, and holy warfare in mediæval Europe Taking the Vows and Partition, How I cheese it before Primo (CK3) Meta. High partition does not prevent the division of top-tier titles (i. Partition divides you land evenly between your heirs while high partition gives half of it to you primary heir. The reality is that you get a TON of dynasty experience if you kick off some family members as independent counts or dukes. Business, Economics, and Finance. Is high partition succession law remains when changing to a culture without Visigothic Codes cultural innovation? I’ve started a 867 campaign as Lubb Muzez (Banu Musa dynasty). I guess there are many Crusades history enthusiasts here, so I'll post a link to a larger version of the map in the comments Vassals can also press claims on someone's behalf and replace your family member, then whoever becomes the new king applies an elective law to the title. The same info roughly applies to regular The correct way to manage confederate partition with your big family is to steal lands from other family and give it to your kid. That's it (as far as I can see). Other than that, there's nothing that can be done, and as long as you remain tribal then you can't change from confederate partition, the only stable solution for this is going feudal and then enacting partition. Just the rank, it does not consider development, military power, or anything else. Apart from reminding me of CK3, it also made me realize how Award. My current ruler is my former rulers grandson due to elective rules. Primogeniture and Ultimogeniture are pretty much personal opinion. Sections below describe in more detail how to keep your core primary title intact upon succession. Step 2, Empty your harem of concubines. OneProudBavarian has a great video on Partition on Youtube, you should definitely check it out. Yes, currently the only way to switch to primo is to wait until 1200AD and then research the tech. Reply reply. A tribe is all about the relationships between the people, and nobody owns the land. The unique trait of high partition is that it divides titles in two stages rather than in one stage. It ended up dividing my huge kingdom in 3. The thing about tour realm splitting though, is that it's not a big deal and comes I'm a king with high partition succession (but elective). If I've got an intrigue-focused heir and my other sons don't have kids, I don't worry about succession at all. Tech, the farther behind you get, the more rubber banding there is. Ireland, Portugal and Maghreb. Only in feudal contracts and you'll have to give something in return. CK3 Technology Eras. Partition is the most painful mechanic of the game, let's kill it here for good. We're Visigothic so we're high partition - but even so, at present I'm losing 4 duchies to non-heir sons, and possibly more as I plan on some more conquest before MC kicks the bucket. Confederate Partition: will create new titles if you control enough counties to be able to create them; this can force your realm to split up. Four in my main duchy (where my capital is). Share. How to I do this when I'm playing as the mongol empire. R5: Forced Partition simply does not work as described (nor how it should). Knights are only good if they have a high prowess or a useful commander trait. Besides, partition makes vassals useless. Primary heir will receive your primary title and capital county. This heir will then become independent from your player-heir since their titles are of an equal level. And then after some time it splits into Mongolia, the golden horde, the ilkhanate and the Chagadei. My goal of any Paradox game is to fulfill my fantasies of being a warlord that I can't fulfill IRL because I have neither the resources nor the charisma to ever rally any army. But knight effectiveness is forever. I meant to tell you that you cannot force confederate partition on vassals. Every method to deal with "Confederate Partition". Partition and high partition give the same results if you have two heirs. (Discussion) : r/CrusaderKings. Step 3, Use the built in Tinder to find the mate of your dreams (genius, robust, giant whatever you're into) Step 4, seduce and make all kinds of bastards. Thus you can marry your sons and daughters to your vassals or their children. If CK3. If you're a vassal, then feudal contracts are very powerful and worth exploiting to protect yourself from your liege as much as possible. Mar 26, 2024 · High Partition Heraldry OR Visigothic Codes +15 Player heir +5 Glory Hound vassal Upon succession, all titles held by the late ruler will be divided amongst their eligible children, with the player heir always being given the primary title, realm capital and any direct de jure titles associated with it. I think that there are certain techs or things that are just so needed, that maybe there are "catch up techs" available later. It's a also neat challenge of building a capable house instead of just a family to make sure your heir is capable. If you're liege though, then save yourself the effort and time. For example, if you have 5 kids, and you give each of You're thinking about confederate partition -> partition/high The game very occasionally bugs out and shows a second heir inheriting a non-existent secondary title upon succession, but that will definitely not come to pass as long as you're off confederate. Things I try to do during peace time. Balrok99. Hence why claimants to the Byzantine throne only get confederate partition. CK3: Should I usurp the Danelaw? Help! So I'm pootling along quite happily in the late 12th century (1066 Ireland tutorial start), despite having dealt with the horror of my dad having been one of five brothers under confederate partition (took a LOT of management). if they lose to a vassal or it falls apart. kbronson22. Partition: doesn't create new titles; if you only have one title of your primary tier, your realm won't split up. I came across that myself, but the kingdoms weren't created. The only Kingdom title I have is Guinea. I have been using a new strat of late, with partition of course being a huge pain. Reform religion with polygamy and all of you can have 4 wives. It is total BS as the player, if they do not land secondary heirs, will have their own duchies split. Give them at least 2 duchies so if they own a kingdom so they have a solid military. It sets high partition for all titles, but will only divide counties to the heirs. - How this thing works -. Tbh youll probably be better off having high partition and avoiding having many kids. This tends to happen if you don't give your family member enough counties to defend themselves. High partition is absolutely broken. I become a subject to the high king. 1. You’ll wind up splitting multiple kingdoms and the Then, Partition/ High Partition is enough and the best you can do until late medieval. Main heir gets half of the titles. It works similarly to the Partition law but saves you some time and resources that you’d usually need to spend consolidating your realm by guaranteeing that your primary heir gets at least half of your titles. House seniority gives your titles to the oldest one, so you may be stuck in a loop of playing as old fucks, not being able to get lifestyle perks you want or getting higher levels of prestige, and youl be spanked by short reign way more often. House superioriry is one of the best succession laws in the game. High partition fixes some problems but will still distribute all the land that isn’t in your primary title. And yeah confederate partition kind of sucks but you get claims on all land you lost and if you are quick about it you can almost immediately take back any kingdom that broke off from your control unless your heir was super weak and he has a chad brother holding the I have absolute crown authority, high partition and 4+ sons. If you have enough counties to form a title equal to your primary title, but haven't done it before you die, then it will be created and handed to another heir. Use your levies to bait the AI into getting movement locked into your position, bring in your elite troops and smash 'em. In your example above, having three sons and wanting Works every time. I always land my extra heirs through conquered lands, and no matter how much I give them it still wants to hand out more after my death, not taking into account all the shit I already gave them. Mac_N_Cheese_Plz • 3 yr. Upgrade to Partition! : r/CrusaderKings. But even if you're not doing this I had a run where I had 4-5 sons every time and taking the kingdoms back took me a whole life then started again. The #1 reddit source for satirizing board game related subreddits and The Hobby™ in general. Confederate Partition will if possible create titles of the primary title rank which will split your realm, high partition will guarantee that your primary heir get half the titles you own. This is high partition - is this working as intended? 2 comments. High Partition: also doesn't create CK3. This should include the Visigothic one too. Once again, Trebuchet and Men-At-Arms. Best. Which means they can be used together, which is probably a good option. Step 1, Find a Spouse with high skills and over 45 yo. C. This is because what historians call primo is just the oldest son (or the oldest of younger brothers, the next-seniormost dynast, etc. paradox pooched it understanding tribal people. Methods: 1. It earns your family more renown, having independent high rank rulers. Will I now have lots of King level Vassals who are annoyed I dont own their primary titles? Few but strong. Partition does exactly what you describe. splitting the realm). Divine Right so you can push multiple claims at once. Peace time allows you to so solo date your power and plan. they eventually just chose to go for the "if you can't go under it, go over it" mindside and now they're extremely close to central europe Inspired by CK3, my interest in the Crusades and deep cartography led to this scholarly achievement - the most detailed map of the Crusader states. Visigothic Codes is the best way. High Partition by itself is a powerful law, it's almost primogeniture, but if you want elective, you can combine them. My predecessor held 7 counties. High partition is the same as partition except the primary heir is supposed to get 50% of the inheritance and all other heirs split the rest equally. Keeps your player character strong as all your land gets inherited by your primary heir. 3. My suggestion is to avoid holding more than one kingdom until you can get an empire (or you can pass a single-heir succession law) Oh and never get more than one empire too. the dynasty perks are REAL good, particularly tier 1, and it's kind of the "victory conditon" of the game, to my mind. I hated confed partition too for the The point/TL;DR: Real-life actual primogeniture in practice was largely similar to CK3 High Partition. 1 Kingdom title, custom made. • 2 yr. If you rule over 2 kingdoms, but only have a single kingdom title, then Confederate Partition will simply make the second kingdom title for your second heir to get and become independent To prevent the realm splitting, you need to either change your succession law to Partition or High Partition (both of which require innovations first) or become a King, in which case the succession splitting will still happen, but the duchies created will still be a part of your realm. I'm not complaining about losing all my lands. Being close to death, I have two sons and three duchies, which I'll call M (main title), L (lucrative title with several counties with decent development and buildings beneath it) and P (poor title with only one poor county). If I destroy all Empires except Kwene I am assuming the whole Empire goes to my heir. Nov 7, 2023 · Like partition, except that new titles may automatically be created (at no cost) beforehand. Partition in ck3 should have a sub-menu that allows the ruler to distribute titles of rank equally among successors as a management option for realm stability. But honestly, as long as faith and religion is the same, you can let them be, it earns rewards. I've seen some other questions posted about Partition, but I am still (apparently) confused about how High Partition works, (or is supposed to work). However your duchy title is still inherited by confederate partition, so it goes to the eldest son. Grant second heir all titles possible, then remove primary heir from succession. I just switched from confederate partition to normal partition. It actively tries to split your realm by creating new titles. Keep in mind that title succession have precedence over realm succession, so this can be used to keep all high ranking titles inside the realm. BUT, if the heir to your height title (Kingdom of Mann Confederate Partition is stupid. The game is a little weird with this. they eventually just chose to go for the "if you can't go under it, go over it" mindside and now they're extremely close to central europe Only go get high tax contribution for your richest vassals whose rightful liege is you, and only a few of them. I defeat my brothers only for them to start all over again and then I lose because they conjure up so big alliances. Even old vassals you can betroth them to your baby daughters and they will leave any factions. The system will first check if remaining successors owned coyote47713. It gives most titles to your primary heir but gives your other eligible heirs a token county or two. A knight cannot be maimed, wounded, or killed by another knight unless that knight is at least 80% of their prowess value, e. e. 8. This succession law is enabled by the “Heraldry” tradition and is a superior format for partitioning your nation. ) being the father's default heir, as opposed to the nobles getting to crown a younger son if they like him more. 6. With high partition main heir gets more land. Thanks! CK3 --> High Partition and Limited Crown Authority (that's the only reason I can think of why this is happening:) 2 sons. All in the two duchies he held the title to. So it's not a HUGE loss. 2) They have industrious which gives - 15% to building construction time and +25 developement every time a building is constructed. So I designated an heir, which is my second oldest child, but the succession page wants to give practically all of my titles to my oldest still. Your kids will not want your lands if you give them a duchy title and you don't have any extra kingdom/emperor title beside your primary one in your capital. High Partition is normal partition but ensures that's at least 50% of the titles goes to your primary heir. Granting the far away titles to your lesser heirs before you die used to work fine in CK2 (with gavel-kind succession which partition replaced), haven't had much time with CK3 to try it. Reply. Confederate partition vs partition just means that if a title is able to be created on succession, it won't be. My player character currently holds 1 Kingdom 2 Duchies 6 Counties With High Partition selected for the Realm, the succession list shows that my heir will only inherit 1 Kingdom 1 Duchy It allows me to pick up High Partition super early, I can usually pick up at least one other tradition I like, AND being Iberian heritage unlocks the two extra dynasty legacy paths, with one of them being really strong (the first perk in the tree makes cities provide 20% extra development in their county). For the people rightly noticing / worrying about Primogeniture being in late medieval. I'm still playing Ireland from the tutorial and every time the High King dies I have civil war. Partition does offer an advantage, but only in certain circumstances. Oct 23, 2020 · Type of Partition (confederate partition, partition, high partition) In general, high partion and partion make it easier to manipulate the title split distribution. Disenherit primary heir, Grant all titles, then reinherit. I could be wrong though, I haven't played around with that rule much. In brief: Partition (confederate or otherwise) is based on your heirs inheriting equally ranked titles. How does high partition work exactly? Lions share means the most. In the first stage, it acts as though there are only two heirs, a senior heir and a junior heir. The consensus seems to be rush Plenary Assemblies, which I've done, and then some "Visigothic Code" innovation allows it? High Partition I tend to aim for in later game if I have a large kingdom or empire, I prefer it over single heir. Personally, I find dealing with partition one of the more HIGH PARTITION: GIVES 50%+ to the primary heir as a guarantee HOUSE SENIORITY: GIVES ALL TITLES to the OLDEST ELLIGIBLE house member (less breeding control and more often succesion (mostly unless considerable measures are taken to ensure the line of succesion) but you get to keep your titles and pass them on. With high partion having many heirs is no longer an issue. gq jo gr tj ny ig un ke ja lw