My wife told me she is pregnant by another man and i feel nothing reddit

It’s exhausting. • 2 yr. I feel trapped. Gf pregnant to another man, need advice. Pregnancy is hell on your wife. Getting Started. I confronted her, she cried and apologized profusely and swore to me she’d never do it again. It’s tough. I have been engaged to marry my fiancee for approx. As the title says, I (32m) just found out my wife (27f) is pregnant. When the baby was a few days old, a test confirmed the baby was not his. I'm really posting just to vent a bit, I guess. Invite your family to the gender reveal and the birth. Get tested and in the mean time, give your wife the benefit of the doubt. I would have to imediately leave the scene of the converstation. But I can't think of anywhere else to post this. This is long and complicated story but in early 2018 my wife and I discovered that our oldest (16 at the time) was doing drugs. Context: Back in 2015, I (M now 35) had a major mental breakdown and a short stay in hospital after my ex-wife Lauren (F now 36) abandoned me and took our 5 month-old baby son, James (M now 9), 250 miles away, under the pretence of "getting more Monday shows up. The destruction may be slow acting, but the end result will be the same. ) Whew - it's obviously life changing. Hi, your feelings are totally valid. We hit it off instantly and got married 2yrs later. But it’s worth it. She left at 7:30 PM, said she was going to meet up with someone for drinks, gave me a kiss, told me she loved me and left. I've told her We've always been childfree and definitely I don't want kids still. Find something she really really likes and get it for her. My wife is pregnant but I am sterile. I cheated on my wife when she was 8 months pregnant with our daughter. r/TrueOffMyChest •. He made her feel good about herself. Basically I was living in a room above my dad’s garage because I got a job as a hospital janitor during the pandemic after I had lost my previous one. She thought the system only worked if somebody pressed on it to start recording but it I feel like she sees this, as she tells me at times how she made the right decision in sticking with me, how much she loves our son, how proud she is of me for improving as a person. My wife Told me, on my birthday, she was having an affair (he was the love of her life) with a guy, because I was working all the time. It’s early days and I would have been ok if it was my baby. (You mention just forgetting what happened. I told her that if she did, we were over. But the stress nearly killed me. Asshole. A lot of you think that she would up and go without me. I don’t have a clue what to do or suggest to her. You and your wife have been a team in a certain kind of way and now that teamship is changing. 4%-99. When I told my wife. Turns out she had been cheating for 7 months via text and calls. Congrats, man. We have a great time just doing life together, and I've never felt as close and in love with her as I do now. You have the luxury of already wanting this and having been trying for this. I immediately knew it was bullshit because I always use a condom and make sure they didn’t break when we are done. Lmao. She was more than likely emotionally checked out long before you broke up. The reason I'm contemplating divorce, is that we've had recent troubles with our marriage and have been seeing a counselor - so this is more like a straw that broke the camels back. My husband (37M) and I (38F) have been married for 6 years and have a 3-year old son. I tried calling him back, but he didn’t answer any of my calls. She'd need to be "all in" on the marriage, not just deciding to maybe stick with you because her affair partner wasn't supportive when she was pregnant. joells101. Part of our arrangement is that we have long periods of not sleeping with each other while we're "exploring". When I was 48 I was a correctional officer, in my country. My (31M) fiancee (34F) cheated and got pregnant by the other guy. My wife announced she is asexual. One at night a half a one in the day. I asked her why she was crying and she screamed "I don't know!!" at me. This also means there could be a 99. I was 19 and a college sophomore. 2006. She kicked me out of where we were living in NJ and I'm currently staying with my parents in NC. 3 dates a week and tons of empty sex in exchange of stability and family. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. But, along the way, I decided that if I love her (which I did and do), I can be a dad. by JeSuisDansLaMerde. It will only hurt more. I could have now have my baby in my arms . Or worse, she just wants to postpone the divorce long enough to rope you in for child support. Tells me she loves and wants me to take her back. I would see a shrink, a prenatal care doctor, and a Yesterday she told me she was pregnant, and all sorts of alarm bells went off in my head. She had a baby from him and he dumped her after she gave birth. Backstory: I got into an accident after my college and will never be able to have kids. More than 1 marriage has survived similar We have two kids,8 and 5. Go see a lawyer right now. 3%-0. My pregnant wife just told me she hates me. 5 months had passed since d day when she called me and told me she had made a mistake. Don’t lecture me about her rights ! But this is a different case ! She lied to me . My wife needs to take all kinds of anti nausea and anti reflux meds just to not vomit constantly. She told me they kissed at our house, and then she explicitly left to go back to the other women's house with intention to sleep with her. We literally just got married in December, and while starting a family was always in our plans we weren’t even planning on trying for another year. One is unisom. Most likely, you're heading for a divorce, and you should get yourself a lawyer. I begged her to come back and told her I had forgiven her. 1 Corinthians 7:1-40 Now concerning the matters about which you wrote: “It is good for a man not to have sexual relations with a woman. Whether it's romance, friendship, family, co-workers, or basic human interaction: we're here to help! I (28m) asked for a divorce and my wife (36f) told me she’s pregnant. Well she left me and left me for the other guy. You cannot be the pregnant one, you can't bear the irritations of pregnancy to the pain of childbirth. I told her that if she leaves I won’t stand in her way, but don’t come back. My mom called our family before I got a chance to talk to my wife. They know about the accident but not about this. We've been like this for approximately 3 years now with no problems at A subreddit to help figure out if you overreacted to something or if you were justified. I have two beautiful, amazing children. We have been arguing a bit lately but I’ve been trying ADMIN MOD. We have been trying for years to get pregnant, so when my wife suddenly got pregnant it was a huge shock to us both. I didn’t tell any of this to my wife I first met my wife in Nov. More importantly that it happened in a period you were seperated. Go see a lawyer. She’s exhausted constantly. trigger warnings: alleged cheating, verbal abuse, emotional abuse. The Next day she moved out of our house However, she has been going to the therapist herself, at her request, so she can focus on herself. She even told people I threatened to commit suicide if she left me which was a fabrication. Mar 6, 2021 · Sitting in the kitchen Leonora looked at me as if she had just seen a ghost. 242vuu. First she plays a really cruel prank on him, then when he gets mad, she tries to put the blame on him for not seeing through the prank, because he knows he’s sterile. , and be 100% exclusive to each other. Yes my baby ! yes she saw me devastated an upset when she claimed we can’t have a baby . If she wants to work things out, you might try marriage counseling, but you need to get it started within the next few days. So here's the problem: it really hurts me when she My wife just told me she is pregnant. throway1282. Kiss sleeping in goodbye for the next several years. mood spoilers: frustrating. Her infidelity decimated my self confidence, leaving me insecure, emasculated, and wondering why I wasn't enough. I want to give my baby the best life possible, I did everything right, I make money, I'm attractive, I work out, I treated my wife like the goddess I truly believed she was, all she had to do was let me love her and I would've given her and our child everything, we just bought a home when she told me she was pregnant I was over the moon only to I couldn’t get another word in. It was an extremely difficult time and our marriage suffered heavily, after our son They could not confirm paternity until the child was born. With everything going on in the world and both of us approaching 40, we just Incidentally, the last time it happened to me, my husband later met the man's wife and reacted the same way- they were just unfairly and uncommonly attractive people. Nearly impossible over a long marriage to stay that vigilant all the time. 4 years, together for over 10 years. Archived post. I am beside myself here and I have gone through a range of emotions. She tells me she needs to see him again to figure out if she wants to be with me or not. If in general, this anxiety response aligns with other stressful situations in your life, you should give yourself grace and commit to not doing anything too drastic (like telling your wife to terminate, trying to leave, etc). For privacy reasons, we’ll call her Anne. AITA for how I told my ex that my wife is pregnant? Not the A-hole. Throwawaycanoe88. She is the light of my life. There were issues in our marriage. Your ex is so desperate to get back he's probably feeding them BS. My wife had a child with another man. 10 votes, 14 comments. I had my vasectomy in 1988 and remember being told, there is no 100% guarantee that I would not be able to impregnate my wife. My wife remorselessly cheated on me and also got pregnant from her AP. I asked a few times, but she always said no. Anne and I met in college through a mutual friend. I really do not think so since we have discussed this at length, the larger risk is her resenting me. Kudos. Everything you write makes me think it's not about the baby per se, but about the marriage. She came to me on the day and said she just couldn't go through with it - she wants to keep the baby. She cheated on you, got pregnant, and is now wanting to heal the marriage so that you can raise the kid. My (34M) wife (31F) is pregnant with someone else's child. When she told me that we needed to talk I knew there would be trouble. A few days ago my wife (28) and I (30) found out that she's pregnant. - 15th August 2023. Successful_Panda4758. It is . Feeling jealous, insecure, or just downright bad about this is okay, it's normal even. We have a 3 year old daughter together and found out she was pregnant in September 2018 with my son. Next morning she comes back. I promised to call her every day while she was living at a friend's house (a woman she worked with) and ask her ADMIN. Well let me say this much we have been together at that point 15 years (2019) my then fiancee had told me she wanted to take a vacation with her friends I said that's a great idea so I was fully on board the trip was planned just a couple days after my b day so with that I thought I may go out of state to iregretitverymuch. Once you can come to terms with that identify the feelings within yourself. •. Either way, you can take a paternity test one day and know for sure. 2. XL. My wife is pregnant but she cheated on me and our first kid isn't even mines. She will most likely not have an abortion(her family is super religious, while she is only agnostic at best). I got a vasectomy when I was 19. So yesterday my wife surprised me at work to tell me she’s pregnant. Minute-Inflation-713. I prodded for 2 hours on the phone before she finally admitted she had cheated on me again. At one point when pregnant my wife burst into tears in the kitchen. Step one is to come to terms and accept that this happened. But you really are every married man's worse nightmare. She could make me miserable until I give in I would never be an absentee father. Wife told me on my birthday that she was cheating on me. The sooner your divorce comes through the better. Note: Throwaway account. Everything about it can be hard. I am from a SEA country and my first language is not english. While talking to my mom I did tell her we would be gone this weekend. ADMIN MOD. We dated for a little over 9 months before I proposed, and she accepted. For the past couple years we have been on the fence about trying for a second kid. Not very far along at all. I was hospitalised several times. Maybe you just need time to process your fears and this anxiety will pass. My wife was all of those things and she still had an emotional affair because for 3-4 years out of 48, my attention drifted so she found a good friend to cry on his shoulders and get his attention. She confessed to me that she has been having an affair for “about a year” with a guy from church and is around 6 weeks pregnant based off when she had her last period. She has now told me that she is still in love with me and wants to be with me again and have our family back together. ”. A place for sharing the for-better and for-worse of marriage. Work on yourself. Someone that will put their arm around me and try to make me feel better, and then go out for a beer with me so that life feels normal for a while. I have been sensing/feeling/seeing new red flags A place for sharing the for-better and for-worse of marriage. My parents forced relatives to reach out to me asking me to see reason (lmao), I declined. My brother hung up on me. She’s keeping it, don’t have any clue why, but it’s her body. She was 18 and a freshmen. I wouldn’t go looking for more information about her. Not sure why this caused so much offense but I’m sleeping on the couch now. The cheater is doubling down on her being insane just to justify her own choices. I asked what she wanted to do, but she hadn't decided yet. This happens though brother. Two years ago, I accidentally caught my then fiancé sexting another man. Then she gets mad at him for not automatically believing her when she says she’s pregnant with “his” child. I need advice I am a (23 m) I found out my access pregnant again with another man's baby I don't know how to cope yes I still want her back but I don't want to deal with the fact that I'll be raising another man's child it makes angry and sad I do have a girlfriend and I love her but it's hard She is in another state Hundreds of miles away Really never met Known my ex since high school It's a Your feelings are your feelings- don't feel badly that your reaction isn't what you expected. Original post by u/Money-Juggernaut-662 in r/TrueOffMyChest. My friend is the most loving and forgiving man in the world, so he forgave his wife and agreed to raise the child as his own regardless of what the paternity test said. Instead of being honest she just handed him a prescription and said his primary care doctor recommended it for his MS. After the last time it was me who left her because I was falling to pieces and she was projecting all of her guilt on to me to justify her behaviour. 6% chance of recanalization. AITA For not telling my husband that I am pregnant before I told other people. My (39m) wife (28f) and I were very recently married. While. None of my family members know of this. The first day after the confrontation was a shit show. I was out for a work trip that was going to last a week. Peace be with brother. Is this your first? I just became a first time dad about 5 years ago (and my wife has since had another. I believe there is a 0. Let your wife sleep. He only found out because she gave him a lifelong uncurable STD. She is the primary breadwinner as I was diagnosed with a serious illness a few years ago. Sam came home from work on Monday and casually said that she’d spoken with the guy (Tom) and he’d confirmed that they hadn’t held hands they’d just been walking arm in arm because she was drunk and wearing heels. Now I freak out. I don't want to raise another man's kid! She's apologised to me for being so stupid but is saying she is 100% sure. Really, the best time for that was the moment she told you that she kissed him. For those who remember me, I'm the guy who's wife made our kids release a wild bunny in the middle of the yard after I advised her to have the kids take it to the bushes to Wow, right in the feels OP! My ex and I hit our two year mark when I found out she cheated on me. Puzzleheaded_Cry9828. So I met my husband (25M) while I was (22F) and we hit it off instantly. But say hello to a whole new level of love you didn't think was humanly possible. She says if he wants her back she will leave me, but if he does not she will come back home. 7% chance that it is not your child. I was sad about the attraction to another man but understood and continued to support her. It was not light stuff and there were police and CPS involved. I had no idea she is against having more babies until a few days ago !Abortion happened 1. Give your parents time to cool down and accept the change. It’s easier for woman to start over. Remorse. They're everything to me. So I was completely shocked when, 3 years after she left me, she showed up at my door. It stated, we're going to work on our relationship, date night, etc. At first, I thought she was there to apologize for what she had done to me, but then I saw that she was holding a baby. If my wife came to me and told me what you are going to tell your husband. OP, I'm sorry to tell you this. I am finally in an okay place, although still stressed. It was a few years before I could have any kind of solid relationship with a woman. We also had a lot of sex before marriage and she abruptly flipped a switch after marriage and told me she was asexual (despite still wanting me to go down on her but not reciprocating). I'm leaving my wife because she's pregnant. My wife and I are both highly educated and overthink everything. I clicked on this expecting a dad in need but instead found a tier one dad joke. It’s that simple. Advice Received. You should have done it the moment you found out she was pregnant. I was 100% not ready. She has an eating disorder and I am afraid it could have a very negative influence on a child. Before I left we installed a camera door bell system so I could see if something was happening while I was gone. She didn Tl;dr my wife (Sam) got drunk on a work night out and was seen holding hands with a guy from her office. So, here I am, with about 8 months worth of planning to make this happen. Her eating habits are very unstable and My wife and I have been trying for 2+ years with multiple failed IVF cycles. We had a small disagreement, and after that she just wouldn't speak to me even though I apologised vehemently (even though I wasn't in the wrong) but any time we She was free to do what she wanted while you were broken up. They stopped after 2 days after a harsh message from me requesting no contact. So yesterday I went out to lunch with my mom and I told her the news, to which she was thrilled Sup, my girlfriend (now wife) got pregnant when I was 22 and she was 20. My husband's girl best friend is pregnant and she says it's his. We had been trying for about a year after she had experienced a miscarriage of a pregnancy that we hadn't planned. Maybe it happened. The narcissistic mind is convincing herself that she made the right choice. I don't want to get divorced. I shouldn’t have been to surprised because it’s not like… She’s just an AH at every step of this story. My wife had a baby with another man and now wants me to help raise her. She is begging me to take her back Jun 27, 2022 · I was on graves tonight when my wife called me freaking out saying that she is pregnant and it was mine. Congrats to you, you beautiful ape! Much luck to you and your family. 4. My (29M) wife (33F) just told me she cheated on me. We are both obviously super happy and excited to become parents. She hit me with it an hour ago. “I’m pregnant!” she said awaiting my reaction. My girlfriend just told me that she is pregnant. Reply reply. I called my parents and told them to make my brother call me back. I Can’t think of any request my pregnant wife made that I questioned the validity of. I have really missed her and my kids and how we were as a family. We weren’t trying. You can’t change this, so try not to take it personal. I (M29) got confirmation on Monday that my wife (F30) is pregnant and that she is filing for divorce this upcoming Monday. The last few days, I feel like a burden was lifted off me, especially from my parents who always expect many things from me. My mental and physical health were in the gutter. There were five of us and a huge mortgage. She was very hormonal and no matter what I did, I was wrong. We're actually in the middle of another one now, but these GME tendies will go a LONG way in helping us start our family. We have two kids, 8m and 6f. My (29) wife (30) is pregnant with another man's child and wants a divorce. I didn’t. He was born June 6, 2019. Not sure if this is the right sub. We have been together for nearly a decade, have two kids, and a house together. Invite all your relatives to the christening. Three reasons to tell your AP about the baby before your husband: First, the baby is between you and your AP. I (28m) have been married to my wife (36f) for eight years. She continued to lie and then turned his kid against him. My wife and I fought quite a lot during her pregnancy; especially in the last trimester. My friend was married and his wife was cheating on him. She said she was feeling nauseous and I said that morning sickness was just an ‘ovary action’. Three times she said she was breaking it off with him, three times it became apparent she had not. I can honestly say he is in a much better place now. Matthew 19:9 “And I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery. My wife and I have been married for 6 years and have a son who is 4 years old. Not sure what their convo is, but I got 2 hours of sleep Sunday night because my wife met up with some guy on Bumble. And if it turns out she is pregnant by another man, consider very carefully before divorcing her. Yesterday, I accidentally saw another message thread from last year - a month after we got married - doing it again. She said that she needed to talk to me. I have been trying to get a vasectomy for Nothing you've written suggests she does, and it would require a lot of work on her part to heal the relationship. ago. Apparently, Lucy got in touch with my wife and told her everything. My wife is pregnant with our first and since yesterday she hasn't been speaking to me except to tell me to f ck off and f ck you and I f cking hate you. My wife (f34) and I (m36) have been married for 6 years this fall and together for ten total. Me, 26m and my wife, 27f recently had a baby. Wife cheated and is now pregnant. I’m confused because I don’t know who lied, my wife, the doctor that told me I’m sterile two years ago, or the coroner that said she was dead. I can’t Everything changed on Tuesday this week when my wife asked me whether its true that I slept with Lucy[28F]. My wife has not been employed throughout my marriage but told me she was uncomfortable with me living 3 days ago my wife told me she wanted to go to the cabin for a romantic get away. 5 year after our wedding . Fast forward to today, I have been happily married to my wife for 21 years. We had our ups and downs, probably like most, but it was never due to anything dubious (as far as I'm aware). Nothing big, just something that shows you pay attention when she talks. At the time, I tried to be sympathetic and supportive. I would have gone over to speak to him in person, but me and my wife recently moved halfway across the country. We're always going to encounter people prettier, more physically fit, more charming, etc and sometimes even very confident personalities can be surprised into being awkward. She is the greatest thing to ever happen to me. After a couple of months she moved in with a completely different guy than she left me for and they immediately became pregnant. My wife will be having another man’s kid in about 6 months. She gave me the whole "we're roommates" thing too. She’s late 20s, she has lots of time to You and your wife just detonated a bomb into your relationship. It’s scary. I admit, I wasn't perfect and I should have been much more patient with her. My (26M) gf (24F) told me she is pregnant but I am sterile. Someone that will tell me I'm not a loser for not being able to keep my wife happy. Maybe some random sperm hid out somewhere in your urethra or the northern section of your vas. I tried to ask for forgiveness but my wife basically told me that she is not interested in anything I have to say. We have been living together for 11 years, owned our home together for 6. TL;DR, Wife of almost 20 years is leaving me for another man and I feel lost and alone with nobody to confide in. My mom wanted to have my family come making it one more trip before my brother leaves to collage. It's not that I don't want to have children, it's that I don't want to have any with her. My wife and I have an open relationship and we're very happy with the arrangement we have. Man, there’s a lot going on here. I admitted immediately and asked who told her. My wife told me she just cheated. My pregnant wife is killing me. r/confessions • 10 yr. We wrote a contract and signed it. We never had sex during that 9 months. jb kk az vk xm is ct il bv di