Unity stick to ground

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Nov 3, 2015 · If you plan on rotating the ground itself, you would cast the ray downwards from the object placed on it, other than that it should be pretty much the same. Apr 19, 2020 · Hi guys, Want an enemy to follow my player, but he is floating across, need him to walk on the ground. deltaTime; Now enemy should be moving towards the projected ground position of the player (since direction. Perform the movement on a box collider and if you still want to use a capsule/sphere collider afterwards, but ensure that the box collider is always covering the base of the character. You'll want to use "OnCollisionEnter" because that will give you data about what your character is sticking to, including (I hope for you) the angle of the surface and the position of contact. I am messing around with basic two-bone IK and the animation rigging package and I noticed some unexpected behavior, The video I have attached shows me moving the hip bone of a rig, expecting the IK foot to react to it and try to stay pointed at the target. This means the character will adjust its position to always stick to the ground surface, instead of launching off into the air when encountering downward slope changes. to this Vector before i pass it to the SetForce method. enabled = false. Use the Ctrl + \ (Windows) or Cmd + \ (macOS) shortcut to push the GameObject (s) onto the grids on all axes. By looking around, one of the main solutions is to add a physics object with no friction, which I added to the wall. When I make character controllers (physics based or not) I tend to use a single Vector3 for the motion heading. Jul 7, 2013 · Jan 29, 2015. (Skin width is 10% of my capsule collider's radius) I almost have the Character controller mimicked using a rigidbody Aug 16, 2021 · I am making my own controller on rigidbody and here it happens to me like in the picture on the left, but I would like as I drew on the right. Jan 26, 2013 · Slopelimit might be used for the grounded check, to define what passes as ground and what passes as wall. Jan 3, 2015 · In my script the enemy chases the player until it is close enough to attack, but they enemy doesn’t stay on the ground and flies through walls. You can sphere/ray cast in front of the player and if the height of the ground they're walking towards (the slope) Gets lower you can turn up the gravity or apply a downward force. But the problem is its in world space, and I want it to be relative to the camera position. ). Align with the contour of the ground. Very easy and simple fix. How can I make it obey gravity? here’s my code: using UnityEngine; using System. Just added the MovePosition () to the rigidbodies (the ground and the player). Drag is 0. Posts: 755. Dot( velocity, jumpDirection); A grounded character will also "snap" to the ground, if SnapToGround is set to true. localScale / otherTransform. isGrounded, and if this is true extra downward velocity is applied just to ensure that it stays on the ground. GetAxis ("Vertical")); rotation = Quaternion. Hi everyone, I’m trying to make a basic movement engine for a rpg game without using the character controller or a rigidbody. You should be able to attach that to a grenade. It demonstrated walking on 3d objects Galaxy-style. When going up it gains a lot of speed and flies upwards like a car (though much more pronounced), and the more vertical the slope, the higher it goes. Feb 22, 2014 · Feb 22, 2014. Mordus, Nov 22, 2016. Feb 1, 2015 · 174. I need 3 animations per animation where the character is on the ground. x, terrainRef. Nov 29, 2013 · rigidbody. Feb 28, 2014 · Kabinet13. Project Gravity is set to -9. Sep 3, 2016 · The first thing we’ll need to do is add a public LayerMask to our player script. The raycast works, the movement works, and aligning. Staying in Touch. x that had a walking engine, with a soldier and a dog and in one of the scenes. What im doing is rotating the “table” through its angular velocity hence making all the cubes on it slide from one side to the other. I don’t want to change the gravity of the Nov 4, 2017 · In this tutorial, I will show you a really simple way to have your character aligned to the ground they stand on. Jun 1, 2018 · 2. It won’t rotate. When you raycast to the ground it's always a good idea to start the raycast from a point that's higher up. position += direction. Maybe that exception was causing that function to quit at that point, therfore not running the destroy. layer and decide if the player will collide with that layer or not. y. unity3d. Target has a local scale of 3. If the terrain was a trigger, the box collider wouldnt work. * This will later hold the data for the hit. In which I would do a raycast towards the ground and return true if the distance is small enough. Reply. If you really want stuff to stick to the track or play relative to the track itself and not gamespace, I wouldn’t use Unity physics or a generalized physics solution at all. Iirc, it was eventually released for free. insideUnitCircle. With that info (position of contact and angle of contact) you should be able to position and angle your player May 11, 2011 · For $45 it looks to be worth the time it would save. Posts: 1,648. NameToLayer(/*layer name*/)) Nov 5, 2012 · ArrowStick (other); hit = true; // move the arrow deep inside the enemy or whatever it sticks to. Feb 6, 2014 · You might want to consider transforming the movement vector by the ground angle, then movement down or up is a consistent rate and the character controller will stick to surfaces. Then you could work out the difference in angle between the blade and surface and decide whether it sticks or glances off. Another solution would be to add forces along the normal of the surface you are Mar 30, 2019 · Unity ID. Standing on the slope is also an issue Prevent grounding on hits. ) Thanks to generated additional transform you have clear control over Y axis rotation and can use transform. The easiest fix is to do a raycast in the direction of your input, and null out the horizontal velocity if you're adjacent to a wall in that direction. LookRotation( direction, Vector3. You would have to get the normal of the surface hit and another direction vector pointing down the length of the blade to the point. #5. You should probably also make the collision sphere larger otherwise the collider will penetrate. I tried adding gravity to the rigidbody2d but he gets stuck on hills and if he falls off a slight hill he floats like a ghost. Posts: 15. Award. When you use a raycast, the RaycastHit object it returns contains a field for the normal of the surface at the point where the ray hit. Gravity is applied every frame through script, and every frame it also checks if the character is grounded through CharacterController. That means get the tree's randomized x and z position first and then check for the correct y value with the raycast. For example, if the player raycasts and finds himself on a slope of 45 degrees then the 2d normal of that face would be (0. ZombieTFK said: ↑. A Unity ID allows you to buy and/or Also, I can't help but notice you are doing physics very wrong. Hello there Oct 19, 2013 · There's lots of examples in answers for these. apply a force tangential to this line such that it’s pushing your character Jun 22, 2022 · It does read the ground when I uncheck “Is Kinematic” and check “Convex”, but I don’t want it to be convex and with unchecked Is Kinematic AI script keeps moving the character when the game is paused. Quietus2, May 11, 2011. In the 2nd and 3rd are what I need. But be careful not to make the skin width too small or the character can get stuck on geometry. Hi, I have a Nav Mesh Agent that follows a waypoint in a scene with alot of obstacles. magnitude, 0 , SpeedLimit) * rigidbody. Unity will move the object so the two vertices are touching. andeeeee, Aug 12, 2010. 707,0. Separate wheel colliders is correct (assumption is that he means the wheel colliders are not on the wheel meshes) Fixing timestep should have no effect. normalized * (hitInfo. Example. if it doesn’t you might want to replace isgrounded with your own function. Sep 5, 2020 · mzeman4818 September 5, 2020, 9:05pm 1. Select the GameObject (s) you want to align to the grid. I can't figure it out. 1 margin, and 0. After both of these things have happened, it checks if the jump button May 26, 2011 · try: gameObject. fiorentin March 8, 2013, 12:12pm 1. Hobby-Game-Developer September 5 Apr 24, 2013 · It really depends on the feel of gameplay you’re after. Feb 17, 2017 · Sep 7, 2010. the rigid body point. Hi All, I scoured the internet via search engines, online tutorial sites, Youtube and Unity forums, but after days of searching can not get a straight answer on how to ensure that when game objects are placed on a ground plane in AR that they do not slip and slide. Arrows new local scale after parenting is 2/3. If one raycast hits, the method returns. Also, it falls back down very slowly. I finally achieved a raycast system that returns the inclination of the slope under the player. Deploy them across mobile, desktop, VR/AR, consoles or the Web and connect with people globally. You can transform a movement vector using something like: Code (CSharp): Vector3 tangent = Vector3. My current one is to send a series of raycasts down using Random. Thanks to anyone who answers or comments. parent = col. This worked for me. position = new Vecotr3 (Building. Joined: Mar 16, 2005. However if I apply too much velocity the cubes on the table make a jump upwards as a result of the force applied. Have a vector keeping tabs of vertical velocity. Hover over the vertex you want to snap. Whenever I apply Y movement (gravity) to a charactercontroller, the expected behavior happens and the object falls down until it hits the ground. velocity = fromTo * rigidbody. May 25, 2016 · And the isGrounded flag has not worked out for me at all. This way when the parent applies it's scale to the arrow (3), you have (2/3)*3 which equals 2 again, which is the correct global scale. For collision detection to work you need to move your physics objects using the rigidbody. I am having trouble making my character go up and down slopes correctly. normal overrides. Check your speeds, motions, forces, etc. y * jumpHeight); jumpDirection = ( jumpDirection + Vector3. Select the object you want to move. Use RigidBody. Now I've implemented my AR IOS apps using all the best May 7, 2015 · Nov 15, 2011. Else false. I am trying to find the best way to get my player (a cube that Mar 5, 2013 · A better solution would probably be to use a character controller when the character is on ground, and use physics/rigidbody when he’s airborne, but it’s a bit complicated for me so I’m not gonna go there. If you want to get the index by its name you can use LayerMask. And, if I add NavMeshAgent it also works, but I don’t think that the NavMesh is an option for this map. Translate(depth * -Vector2. My player is able to climb walls, which he isn’t supposed to do, which is shown below. Everything works fine until I run up a ramp or anything elevated. However, together these don’t work. Can someone help with this? P. point: That's the Vector3 position, where the ray hit a collider – in this case, hopefully the terrain! Apr 11, 2024 · Quick tips for snapping objects to the ground using the Editor and in Script!Here's the link to Unity's manual for MenuItems and shortcuts. An alternative solution to this is you could add physics materials with zero friction to the sides of your platforms, but I find it kind of a pain to set up for everything, so I generally also do a downwards raycast check. I dont want this, since Jun 1, 2021 · Hello everyone, I am making a game and I need help. The resulting angle is positive if the slope goes up, and negative if the slope goes down. There is ‘vertex snapping’ on the v-key when using the Translate or Rect tools. May 24, 2019 · What you are basically doing is overriding physics and just telling an object to be at a certain position. rotation = rotation; it makes the object face the direction the analogue stick is facing. Angular Drag is 0. transform; //Destroy the arrow's rigidbody2D and collider2D. An animation for when the: - ground is angled @ -20 degrees, - ground is angled @ 0 degrees, - ground is angled @ +20 degrees, Is that a smart approach in your opinion? Oct 12, 2010 · desiredVelocity = (desiredVelocity. up = hit. Hovering at a certain height only does so much. The first cast is at the center of the character with no randomness. May 7, 2023 · Hello, I have an issue where my character should be sticking to the ground, and, while he does, it's like there's some "magnet force" or something that happens when running though slopes. Another solution is to give the object a PhysicsMaterial2D and set the friction on it to zero. In your character aspect's HandleVelocityControl, you can apply a Mar 31, 2015 · Joined: Jul 19, 2005. lossyScale. It's about refining how a sphere interacts with Jan 24, 2013 · I thought about using blend trees instead. You might have to rework whatever shaders it uses, but the mesh class hasn't changed between 2. normal * (hitInfo. Hope following physics overview would be helpful, docs. GetAxis ("Horizontal"), 0, Input. activeTerrain. Because I am using a rigid body the velocity goes up the Oct 23, 2006 · You need to use raycasting to find where the mouse cursor intersects the ground, for starters. Stick to the ground instead of launching off a ramp. 05. Posts: 8,768. GetHeight(character. Jul 17, 2019 · As far as my understanding of your question, you can do: -Attach the collider component on the ground and the player. Hugging the ground also means that the vehicle will align with any curves and contours of the ground. 18 is the radius of my Sep 21, 2017 · Since you have already defined the direction, you might be able to fix this by using that instead. gameObject. 81 on the Y axis. If one of them hits it returns true. (note that you have to compare with the index of the layer. Bookmarked! May 21, 2020 · First is what is currently doing this: Building. The other thing that I don't understand is that I have May 6, 2008 · Joined: Oct 12, 2009. This can be done like this (C# code): * Create the hit object. You can use this to align the character (basically, just cast a ray downward to get the normal of the floor). For To make your character move slower uphill, use the CharacterControlUtilities. SmapleHeight (Building. Jul 4, 2016 · In short, call the Raycast function with a different origin point for every tree you want to place. krose, Sep 30, 2019. 3, you need to create a Physics2D material or Physics3D material, depending on your project. But depending on how you’re moving this object, it might have some unintended consequences. That is, I want to glue the player to the slope after a flat surface. And about hit. Mar 16, 2005 · Unity Technologies. 'Jumping' will just mean setting the vertical velocity to a positive value, and each frame you keep decreasing the y value in whatever manner works for your game. Unity website - https://unity. Finally, a grounded character will always re-orient its velocity along the slope direction Oct 7, 2012 · hfish09 October 7, 2012, 1:46am 1. So how could I implement that mechanic properly? Oct 24, 2020 · More often than not, when we're placing objects in our scene we want to place them on the ground. Here's the script I used: Code (csharp): var xRotationLimit = 20; var yRotationLimit = 20; var zRotationLimit = 20; Mar 18, 2014 · The enemy still falls through the ground occasionally. GetSlopeAngleTowardsDirection method. unit MyTransform. * (location, collided collider etc Aug 25, 2019 · Sometimes it flies high up and in the other cases, it's hardly even moving at all. Character's Mass is 2. Perform a raycast. 2) Next, drag a First Person Controller into the scene window, and tag it as “ Player ” — you’ll probably need this if you Aug 3, 2010 · I want my character to stick to the ground while running. Unity ID. I’ve stripped down literally everything except for a few Dec 18, 2011 · But there’s one small flaw. The reason I don’t want to use them is because there is no element of gravity in my game (you can’t jump or fall). Normally, i would apply a negative force the transform up of the player but that doesnt work as i use both X and Y values to move up/down hills so i thought i could actually change the position relatively to his rotation Dec 25, 2011 · Hi I have a cube which has been stretched to resemble a table and some cubes on it. Thanks for sharing that link! It's a ton of info showing some great approaches to keeping characters glued down, at least as much as you want them glued down. Posts: 1,091. z); Feb 22, 2015 · Rigidbody Stick To Floor - Questions & Answers - Unity Discussions. If you are using a capsule or sphere collider, don't. velocity = Mathf. Feb 11, 2014 · Then, in those methods you can toggle the IK controls on and off, and place the IK targets usig raycasts from the feet bone to determine where they have to go. Last edited: Oct 2, 2019. Add these together at the end. bounds are the bounds collider relative to the world. “I’ll cast the ray further then” was my first idea, but what if it’s a hole? What is needed is a capsulecast instead of a raycast: // collider. Arrow has a local scale of 2. // If the character is less than 1 unit of "Gravity" off the ground, then return false; private bool HigherThanGravityUnit() float groundHeight = Terrain. Click and drag it to the vertex you want to move it to. It would probably be best if you added a kinematic rigidbody to the ground plane and assigned to its angular velocity. ly/3i7lLtH-----Use this hotkey to snap your gameobjects directly to the ground by adding a simple script to your project. normalized; float alignedSpeed = Vector3. gravity. How to create a Unity3D object that sticks to surfaces when thrown: I will assume you are starting with a fresh scene, and have a little familiarity with Unity3D. normalized * moveSpeed * Time. When going downwards, it falls off the slope like it was falling off a cliff. up; float jumpSpeed = Mathf. Also you can manually set the velocity of the rigidbody to zero when there is no player input and your are grounded. The issue arises because the physics solver's whole purpose is to push your character and the ground apart (so they aren't inter-penetrating). rigidbody. This community is here to help users of all levels gain access to resources, information, and support from others in regards to anything related to Unity. FromToRotation(previousNormals, hit. The problem is that I've done all kinds of funky stuff with the movement: they use Navmesh which is guaranteed never to fall through terrain buuuuut, I turn that off on the enemy and use physics for knockback when they get it, I use root motion to control the navmeshagent speed to move, and Oct 16, 2012 · Ok, this is seemingly an extremely simple question. Firstly, all code that interacts with physics should be in FixedUpdate rather than Update. Sqrt(-2 * Physics. Sep 19, 2011 · So the problem I’m having is trying to orient a vehicle to the ground. Nov 23, 2018 · 5. May 3, 2020 · 249. Then you simply add the necessary event calls on the frames a foot has to make contact or stops making contact with the floor, and you should have a solid base to go from. Nov 15, 2011 · Baste. Domo23000 February 22, 2015, 5:26pm 1. I want to make my soft body stick to the ground like in the game stick with it but there are no videos on how to do that. playerMovement. distance - SkinWidth)); This bit moves the capsule collider back enough that it doesn't actually collide with the wall. Mar 18, 2016 · So the steps to take are: Have a vector for the player's input. Instead of just halting your player input with. Just don't use a capsule collider. 1) Firstly create a floor surface in your scene. Jun 27, 2018 · 543. You can choose if you want fit object in X and Z rotation axis (good for spiders) or only X (human/quadropeds etc. Nov 21, 2019 · To stick to walls, the usual system is simple: Check that the player is next to a wall, but not on the ground; Check that the player is pressing the left/right arrow depending on the wall’s direction; If both are true, apply a smaller gravity, and a limit to the downward velocity . A Unity ID allows you to buy and/or subscribe to Unity products and services, shop in the Asset Store and participate in the Unity community. position. Get my courses with discount: 👉 Unity 2D Master: https://www. 1. If the player is standing on the ground (AKA closer than 0. If the ground is a bit uneven, it doesn’t really work. I think the problem is that aligning the transform. Alternatively, you could shift the center of the Oct 12, 2019 · Else you can check for the layer of the collided object with hit. udemy. The waypoint moves randomly (every time the Agent collides with the waypoint the waypoint moves to new coordinates on the nav mesh). add rigidbody component to the player, so the gravity will do the rest. When the ship gets closed to the ground a shadow does appear. Oct 23, 2006 · Unity ID. Alternatively, from the Grid and Snap Overlays toolbar, open the grid visibility drop-down menu () and in the Align Selected section, click All Axes. y = rigidbody. Mar 11, 2015 · The problem is, that when I fall off of an edge, gravity stops working when I let go of the controls. position), Building. but I could not figure out how this could be done. As for making it stick where the cursor is as it moves, I usually do something like this (in its most basic possible form): Code (csharp): private GameObject holdingThing; //called by a "Create" button or whatever. This calculates the signed slope angle in a given movement direction. But now I am not sure how should I modify my movement formula to "stick" the player to the ground on allowed inclinations. Secondly, you shouldn't use transform to move physics objects. Collections; using UnityEngine. In the player script, add the following: public LayerMask groundLayer; Now in the Unity editor, select Jan 17, 2013 · Code (csharp): rigidbody. Tricks like increasing gravity work by attempting to force the character back into the ground each Dec 9, 2019 · Surface Contact. I add all the values for moving, jumping etc. Nov 23, 2019 · You need to reduce the skin width until the character plants their feet on the ground correctly. For example, you could look at the presence of certain components on the hit entity, or look at the physics tags or categories of that object, and return false; in the function when you want the character to Mar 8, 2013 · legacy-topics. This is the third installment of a tutorial series about controlling the movement of a character. Make use of steep contacts. The wall on the other hand has just a box collider but when my character rushes into the wall while jumping or jumping when next to the wall it sticks to the wall. com. Cross( normal, vector); May 29, 2015 · ninjapretzel May 29, 2015, 7:40am 2. Use Unity to build high-quality 3D and 2D games and experiences. the normal of the ground to the transform. Oct 6, 2021 · The problem is that when i move fast from left to to right, the character bumps from the ground, and when he falls from a corner, it rotates very weirdly while in mid air, as in the GIFs above. You can use the IsGroundedOnHit callback of your character aspect to prevent grounding procedurally with code. 707). up). This works fine along the X and Z axis but i would like the Agent (and Jan 31, 2011 · Dec 11, 2010. May 22, 2013 · For example, if the player does a raycast downwards to find the ground (and they're standing on it) they can change the physics gravity vector to be the inverse of the ground normal. But in some steep slopes when running fast the player falls off. May 24, 2022 · I made a simple 3rd person character script that uses a character controller. velocity. transform. based on a raycast. UI; public class EnemyChase : MonoBehaviour { public Transform Player; public int MoveSpeed = 4; public int MinDist = 5; public int Oct 28, 2016 · A common cause of this problem is using the Physics resolver for determining if a character is grounded. normal); rigidbody. Jul 22, 2015 · Unity ID. distance + SkinWidth)) + (hitInfo. Saving the scene can help, as its updates terrain collider heightmap. The first step is to cast a raycast and get the location of the hit. I have used different methods. The character falls while moving, but not while standing still. normal; } Even if you still want to go with the snap option, you would use sphere cast or raycast to calculate the distance from the bottom of the collider to the ground. Sorry I wasn't clear enough: The particle system works exactly as it should, but as a child object it follows the player when the player moves in any direction. col. Ground Fitter is component which is dynamically fitting object to ground. I have a ship that is flying around. terrainData. so close that no player would ever get that close. This is a normal issue - out of the box, things that hit a wall in the air won't slide down it if it's getting force applied in the direction of the wall. Posts: 5,616. I have found that the rotation is due to the friction on the ground. slopeLimit = 90. collider. Everything has a rigidbody attached. 2. up works. Sep 27, 2021 · This video demonstrates how to fix the problem where the player object gets stuck on the edges of platforms or tiles. Unfortunately, the IK seems to be unaware that its world position has shifted Aug 5, 2023 · My character has a box collider on the ground, a circle collider and a rigidbody while the ground has a box collider. I took a screenshot of a physic material which is sticky. I wanted a 0. MovePosition () instead. 0; 2. Sep 26, 2017 · Check out the Course: https://bit. this might fix it: controller. The rigidbody character I’m using for my game will lift off ground and be unable to jump after running up a slope or hitting a bump Mar 16, 2013 · From reading online I know that getting the player to rotate with the slope of the ground has something to do with the slope's "normal"? I understand that it is possible to figure out what the slope of the ground is by calculating the angle between "global up" and the slope's "normal". up); transform. x. Quaternion fromTo = Quaternion. I have already googled a lot and tried it myself. calculate the distance from the corner to the ray cast intersection of your ground. 01 and more than 10% of the controller’s radius. It's difficult to tell from your code but it looks like it might not be hitting the ground because you are raycasting from the point that is already on (or slightly below) the ground - i. velocity = velocity; bigmisterb, Jan 17, 2013. In my game, grounds can be angled between [-20;20] degrees. right); // Make the arrow a child of the thing it's stuck to. localScale = MyTransform. Apr 16, 2017 · I attached it to various other items for a test and each time it relocated itself to 0,0,0 of the parent edited: another discovery; camera only drops in editor play mode, when built and on mobile phone camera stays where it should! But that still means I cant test it properly in editor. Posts: 5,203. parent = info. Then it will stop on the slopes. There is also a demo project from unity 3. Hello. I have a rigid body character, with basic jump and WASD movement. Unity recommends keeping skin width greater than 0. crazyKnight May 27, 2011, 5:39am 3. Navigate stairs. Configure multiple layers and their interaction. I was just working on a project where I had a rigid body on an object and I didn't want it to flip. This can be tricky to get exactly right when positioning manually, so in this quick tip we'll THIS took me so long to find but it works! It's the best solution I've found for sticking a Rigidbody to the ground without jittering or slowness. https://docs. If you look at the potato project that Unity provided for 4. Use Unity’s character controller, roll your own, or use a kinematic rigid body. comGitHub One last thing you can try is: cast a ray at each corner of your character’s box collider down towards your ground. velocity = velocity; Does it ever have a Y component? If you have no Y component (or y = 0) then you never have a gravity component; Consider changing it to this: Code (csharp): velocity. I am using a trajectory line to move my player… Dec 15, 2014 · There are plenty more resources with web search terms like "unity walk on 3d objects mario galaxy". But, it still doesn’t work and i’m not sure how to fix this. It's called the locomotion system by runevision. I recently created a Kinematic character controller and want to post the code on how it works. You'll have to add the gravity to the Y value of the Vector3 you use to set the velocity if you want to keep your current code. Yoreki , Sep 17, 2019 #2 Aug 1, 2009 · I need to stick my object to the grounds surface inside a 3d environment (doesn't need to stick to walls etc. transform. S. I Jan 19, 2015 · alxdncn July 20, 2016, 2:27pm 5. com/course/unity2dm Apr 6, 2014 · direction = Vector3 ( Input. Code (CSharp): jumpDirection = Vector3. e. Press V. Set on the directional light settings. Posts: 368. The issue is when I stop applying gravity, the CharacterController constantly fluctuates between isGrounded = false and isGroudned = true. Put a print in the destroy function, see if it gets called. LayerMasks allow us to filter collisions based on the colliding body’s Layer, meaning we can limit our RayCast to search only for objects on the Ground layer. Clamp(rigidbody. Twitter: https://twitter. use (2) above to determine the slope between the two ray casts. But the craft has to get really really close to make it appear. x and 3. normalized; } } vinfang November 29, 2013, 5:12am 2. May 15, 2021 · Get rid of sticky walls in 2d platformers. 01 units) and they are off the ground by more than that amount by the end of the frame (and they’re not trying to jump) snap them down a small distance. transform; (not tested) not sure on the destroy thing. I'm not very good with Vectors and movement math, so if somebody could help me i would appreciate it as always. velocity; previousNormals = hit. I need the particles to show on the surface of the ground only and not Dec 27, 2012 · Sort of like a ceiling that comes down and smashes the player, to be able to place them on the ground once that collision happens. forward to move in desired direction. z); The pivot (yellow dot) is on the ground but the edges are floating and some are under terrain. x, character. y was assigned to 0) instead of their real position in the air. com/AKGamation Jan 23, 2014 · If so, the problem is not code, it's your particle system configuration. hydrix December 17, 2017, 4:46am 7. br cu df km rx sk uz bz vd vm